The Dane County Coordinated Community Response to Elder Abuse (EA-CCR) is an appointed task force of the Dane County Commission on Sensitive Crimes (COSC).
Elder abuse is any form of mistreatment that results in harm or loss to any person 60 years of age and older. It includes self neglect, financial exploitation, neglect, and physical, emotional or sexual abuse.
In 2017, Dane County Human Services’ Elder Abuse and Neglect Social Workers investigated 459 reports of abuse, neglect or exploitation. Of these 459 cases, 30% were financial exploitation, 29% self-neglect, 18% physical abuse, 9.5% emotional abuse, and 9% neglect by others. 63% of elder victims are female and 70% are between 60-79 years of age. In the majority of cases family members were the alleged abusers; 78% of reported cases were substantiated.
To support the safety and quality of life of older adults in our community by reducing the incidence of elder abuse.
Educate the community, agencies, and services providers about how to identify and intervene when there is a concern regarding elder abuse.
The EA-CCR is an advisory committee appointed by the Dane County Commission on Sensitive Crimes (COSC) and forms subcommittees when needed. The subcommittees report back to the EA-CCR on the progress of projects and, if needed, the EA-CCR offers guidance, provides sanctions and promotes projects. A part-time staff person is funded through the Dane County budget to provide assistance with administrative tasks.
Contact the Aging and Disability Resource Center of Dane County for additional information and resources related to elder abuse, neglect and exploitation at or (608) 240-7400.
The EA-CCR membership is comprised of Dane County and area professionals, service providers and community members with an interest in the issue of elder abuse, neglect and exploitation. if you are interested or have questions about membership on the EA-CCR or any of its subcommittees, please contact Dane County Human Services staff Amy Scarr at or call (608) 242-6200
EA-CCR meetings are a place to discuss and problem-solve current issues related to elder abuse and exploitation. The meetings are also a networking opportunity for those working to end elder abuse in our community. The EA-CCR often hosts presenters on various topics and meeting agendas may also include group discussion and consultation on cases presented from the membership. The EA-CCR meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm; no meeting is scheduled in December.
Domestic Violence in Later Life – This subcommittee plans and hosts the bi-annual Domestic Violence in Later Life Conference. In 2018, the 4th annual conference was held on October 5th and 130 individuals attended. The focus was on the Invisibility and Visibility of older victims of domestic violence. Save the Date- November 1st- for the 2019 conference! DVinLL subcommittee meets as needed.
FAST (Financial Abuse to Specialist Team) – This subcommittee seeks to prevent the financial exploitation of older and vulnerable adults and to educate its members about financial crimes and exploitation. Membership includes law enforcement, attorneys, social workers, bankers, court representatives and other professionals who work with vulnerable and older adults in Dane County. FAST meets on the 4th Thursday of each month; no meeting scheduled in December.
Hoarding Task Force – The current Hoarding Task Force (HTF) was convened in May 2016. It reinforces the work of a previous task force that concluded its work in 1999. The HTF identified areas of need include Resources, Research and Best Practices and Policy and Legislation. The Hoarding Task Force meets quarterly and its subcommittees meet as needed.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day – Annually, this subcommittee plans and hosts events on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (June 15) and throughout the week to call the public's attention to the issues of elder abuse, neglect and exploitation. WEAAD subcommittee meets as needed January-June.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is June 15, 2022. Check back for events as scheduled.
SAVE THE DATE! Domestic Violence in Later Life conference- Friday, November 1, 2019 at the Wisconsin Institutes of Discovery. Check back for details.
The EA-CCR reports monthly to the COSC. Additionally, an annual report of the EA-CCR’s accomplishments and ongoing projects is presented to the COSC and the Dane County Board of Board of Supervisors.[H1]